Sunday, February 21, 2010

10 things to do when you are feeling irritable, pathetic, bored and restless

2. Stay away from chocolate*
3. Go for a swim
4. Vacume the floor or put on a load of washing
5. Write a poem about feeling irritable, pathetic, bored and restless
6. Stay away from chocolate*
7. Say a prayer - Dear God, I am feeling irritable, pathetic, bored and restless.  Please help me to not do any harm to myself or others.
8. Buy a convenience packet of pre-cut stir fry veges and cook them up with some oyster sauce.  Eat them in front of a good tv show.
9. Buy low fat, low sugar yoghurt and eat it in front of a good tv show
10. Stay away from chocolate*

* or whatever else you might use as a crutch when you're feeling irritable, pathetic, bored and restless.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Write a blog post about being bored, restless etc?

  3. '...or whatever else you might use as a crutch when you're feeling irritable, pathetic, bored and restless.'

    *leaves your blog to go to bed*
