Monday, March 29, 2010

fishing for sympathy

I was having a whinge to Andrew today about how painful it is to write a talk, so time consuming, woe is me, who would ever agree to do this etc.

He told me to suck it up because he has two to write for this weekend.

So I'm looking elsewhere for sympathy. 

Anyone? Anyone?


  1. I feel for you! It's like writing a PhD thesis. Who in their right mind would ever choose to do that?!

  2. The syntax in my paper due on Thursday is all over the place.

    Grammar is difficult.

    But creative genius is harder.

    You have sympathy.

  3. I'm writing (or re-writing) two one-hour lectures a week at the moment, Simone! But I have to say that I'd rather write four lectures than half a sermon... much less responsibility!

  4. I'm with Andrew. Man Up!

    I've 4 new talks to write and preach in the next 2 weeks.

  5. Wrong weekend to be looking for sympathy, strive for empathy instead.
    On the upside though, anyone in church this weekend is fair game to hear the Gospel, delivered with clarity and force.
    Best speaking weekend of the year.
    Woo hoo.

  6. Hmm. Two sermons, two kids talks, an Easter scripture assembly, and a rolling script for a puppet show at the local markets.

    So yes, it is painful and time consuming. I can see where you're coming from! I think I'll take a holiday next week.

  7. Thanks guys.

    I've also got 2 kids talks to give. And an RE assembly which we've just done.

    Kids talks don't count. I'll swap you 10 kids talks for one adults talk any day.

    I wouldn't be a man. Not sure how you manage to churn them out each week. This one is sucking out my soul.


  8. It is very, very hard. And all consuming and sometimes debilitating. But, as trite as it sounds, it is through the cracks of our brokenness that God shines.

    I have just prayed for you Simone. And for Anthony and Gary and Anika and Joanna and Lara. And for me too.

  9. Thanks too. This week I'm even more convinced than usual that prayer is necessary ;-)
