Tuesday, April 13, 2010

6 things I'm thinking about right now

1. Normal loneliness, isolation and despair
2. Ambition in Paul's writings.  Romans 15:20 cf. 1 Thessalonians 4:11 
3. Ambition, women, and the church.
4. 'Desire for husband' in Genesis 3
5. Sunday School material on Romans that I'm editing at the moment.
6. How I'm going to fill my kids' lunch boxes tomorrow. (The cupboards are bare.)


  1. Yeah, about that Sunday School material...

  2. Interesting, interesting! I would like to hear more!
    On (very loosely) the same sort of topics, I've just signed up to attend a conference with Sarah Coakley in July in Sydney (it's our second day of semester so I am just going up for the day.) I reckon she is one of the most interesting feminist theologians out there - she has a much more thoughtful and sympathetic take on the notion of 'submission' than most. I find her work really helpful for understanding how early evangelical women combined a belief in submission with quite radically unconventional and assertive behaviour. Wanna come to Sydney for the day on 13 July?? (I got tickets for $80!)

  3. Jo. It would mean #3 Sydney trip for the year, but...

    Al. I performed a loaves and fishes miracle. Quite remarkable actually. Chicken sandwiches, boiled egg, tinned fruit and 2 month old freezer hot cross buns.

  4. Wow. You and Andrew can have the left overs for a week:)

  5. Thanks for the link to that Theology for Women blog, I've been reading through some of the posts and have found them pretty insightful. Still not 100% convinced on her take on 'your desire will be for you husband', but nearly convinced. She makes some strong points.

  6. Had a stray thought yesterday. Given that 6 is dealt with, perhaps this can be the new one.

    Is 2 Corinthians 1:20 the verse you want in place of Plato/CSL? Does it point to a theology of affirmation rather than negation, more broadly? At the time I was more optimistic about it than I am now, but I think it's worth teasing out.

    Speaking as a lover of CSL, who figures he got enough Plato there and doesn't need to go back to the original ;-)
