Saturday, April 10, 2010

shallow shallow shallow

Lots of things make me happy.  A new project, a poem, a new tune for a lyric, friends, blog love, a good discussion, a new idea...

But there is a certain, (shallow) kind of satisfaction that only a red dress brings.  In the shops, orange and pink might seem like worthy alternatives, but once you get them home, they never really cut it.  They are red pretenders.  I want the real thing.

I currently have 4 red dresses in circulation.  Ideally, I'd have one for every day of the week.  But... as two are going-out dresses, such a wardrobe achievement is a long way off.  The other night I bought my first winter-ish red dress.  With back tights and skivvy it could potentially be worn all year round.  What more would I need for a full and complete life?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oops, went to edit/delete and something else happened!? But red is probably not my dress colour of choice since I like to hide away unnoticed in the corner...

  3. A little black dress is nice.

  4. I agree. Red is a colour for extraverts. I wear black too!

  5. It's hard not to feel confident in something red... Though my choice is red shoes :)

  6. Did somebody start shallow week without telling me?

  7. I think you should get a red dress Nathan. It'd be fetching.

  8. Black makes me look sick! I've only been confident enough to wear red in the last couple of years. I've even splurged out on a red trench coat this season.
