Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The difference between an average RE lesson and a good RE lesson

A little bit of preparation. Just 15 minutes more makes a big difference.

We are coming to the close of our 'stuff God like' series.

According to us (and the bible), God likes people (Gen 1), righteousness (Gen 3), mercy (prodigal son) and humility (pharisee and tax collector). All these things come together in Jesus.

Last week we saw that God became a person in Jesus. In today's lesson, Jesus was tested and proved righteous. Here's how the lesson went.

1. We sang our stuff God likes song. We've been writing it week by week. It's not a complicated (or even good) song. The kids sing it well because they had a hand in making it up.

Stuff God likes
Stuff God likes
Is it chocolate, icecream
cars or bikes
What is the stuff God likes?

People yeah
People yeah
With arms and legs and brains and hair
People yeah

Righteouness yeah
Righteouness yeah
Following God, being awesomely fair
Righteouness yeah

Forgiving you
Forgiving me

I won't be proud and boast about me

2. Andrew ran a following instructions game where one lucky contestant was blind folded and had to follow his instructions to get through an obstacle course. Would they pass or fail the test?

3. I told the story. In the bible God tests his people to see if they are righteous. In previous weeks we've defined righteous as following God's instructions. Need to believe that he knows what's best and he cares about us. Test #1 - Adam and Eve - retell story, stick FAIL sign over pic representing Adam and Eve. Test #2 - God's people in desert - tell story - God rescued them from Egypt has promised to look after them, promised land etc. How would they God when faced with no food problem? FAIL. Would they follow God's instructions and only collect enough manna for one day? FAIL. Test #3 - Jesus - Matt 4 - Tell story about Jesus' testing. First test - would Jesus trust God to provide food for him like Israel should have? Yes. Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word of God - He followed God's instructions, unlike Israel. Second Test - Would Jesus put God to the test in order to show everyone his power? Third Test - Would Jesus bow down to Satan - No. Adam and Eve, Israel and us, epic fail at righteousness. Jesus, epic success.

4. Song we're learning 'So Great Is Jesus' Love' - Point out line about Jesus being guiltless.

5. Silly song. This week Time to fumigate, to tune of I'm Yours - Jason Mraz.

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