Thursday, August 16, 2012

I love the Ekka Holiday

Yesterday, while the world was working, Brisbanites got the day off.

The weather was beautiful. The boys went for a bike ride with Andrew while I went for a jog. Then we went down the coast to see my sick grandmother, then across the border to have a wonderful afternoon with friends.

Praise God for fairy floss and dagwood dogs and crowds and rides and smelly animals because these things warrant a public holiday.

I'm feeling refreshed and optimistic about life.

1 comment:

  1. Actually, despite the fact that it wasn't a public holiday (just a local one for Brisbane city), Translink decided that none of the rest of us actually work and left me high and dry for an hour waiting for buses that never came because they forced Clarks buses to run a Saturday timetable. It would have been faster and cheaper for me to catch a cab or even walk the 6km to work.

    They also don't allow their contracted service providers to put up signs in the buses advising patrons that there is a change to the regular service (let alone what the change is). Are we all meant to get this telepathically?
